$997.00 USD

Athlete's Edge: The 8-Week Sports Nutrition Roadmap

By the end of this program, you will develop exactly what you need to dominate simply by changing the way you fuel your body. Nutrition can make or break your career...Are you ready to take your performance to the next level?

Here is a breakdown of each week inside of our program:

Week 1: Macronutrients - Macronutrients are essential for athletes because they provide the necessary energy and building blocks for optimal physical and mental performance. Balancing the intake of these macronutrients is crucial for fueling workouts, aiding recovery, and maintaining overall health.

Week 2: Micronutrients - Micronutrients play a critical role in supporting an athlete's overall health and performance. They influence energy metabolism, immune function, and muscle contraction, ensuring athletes have the necessary tools for peak performance and recovery.

Week 3: Building a Performance Plate - Creating a performance plate is crucial for athletes as it ensures a well-balanced intake of nutrients, supporting energy, recovery, and overall performance based on training loads. 

Week 4: Timing of Fueling - Timing in nutrition is critical for athletes, ensuring they have the right fuel before, during, and after exercise to maximize performance and recovery.

Week 5: Food Freedom - Food freedom is crucial for athletes as it promotes a healthy relationship with food, reduces stress around eating, and allows them to make choices that support their performance goals without feeling restricted. It empowers athletes to enjoy a wide variety of foods while meeting their nutritional needs.

Week 6: Injury Prevention & Recovery - Nutrition is key for injury prevention and recovery in athletes, as it aids tissue repair, reduces inflammation, and strengthens the immune system, promoting overall resilience and faster healing.

Week 7: Travel & On-The-Go Fueling - Travel and on-the-go fueling are crucial for athletes, allowing them to maintain energy levels, meet nutritional requirements, and adapt to varying schedules and environments, ensuring consistent performance, especially during competition or training away from home. Proper nutrition planning during travel is essential for optimal athletic readiness.

Week 8: Perfecting YOUR Plan - Perfecting a nutrition plan tailored to the individual athlete is paramount as it optimizes performance by addressing specific dietary needs, preferences, and goals. A personalized plan ensures that an athlete's nutrition aligns with their unique requirements, ultimately enhancing their overall athletic performance.


  • 45-60 Min 1:1 Sessions With Madison Wyatt RD/RDN, CHES
  • Downloadable Workbook
  • BONUS: Recipes
  • BONUS: Daily Logs
  • BONUS: Cheat Sheets
  • BONUS: Session Notes
  • BONUS: Session Recordings


  • 10 Ft. Tall & Bulletproof
    • Skyrocket your confidence w/ an at-your-own pace online course that focuses solely on growing your confidence in your sport.
  • Game Film Mini-Course 
    • Learn the exact mistakes and strategies athletes make when watching game film. Properly assessing your game film can skyrocket your performance.